Archive for ‘empowered women’

March 4, 2014

Violence Against Women: An Obstacle to Development

by mandy lipka

I can’t believe that in 2014, I’m posting about the societal dangers that threaten women’s lives across the world. Recently, I’ve been deep in academia again studying International Women’s Health & Human Rights (which is partly the reason I’ve been so quiet lately). I try to embark on a new learning experience 3-4 times per year– It’s my gift to myself that feeds my insatiable desire to learn and helps me pave this path that I’m on. This winter, I started this phenomenal course which completely opened my eyes to the huge extend of violence against women in our world. Even this digital activist who does her best to disseminate information to empower women of all ages had no comprehension of the sheer numbers. It’s overwhelming. And makes me angrier than ever.

In fact, throughout the course, I noticed that I have gone through several of the stages of grief. I believe our professor carefully places each chapter in a particular order to elicit a natural catharsis so that by the end of the course, we’re so moved we can’t think of anything but how we can act to help create a culture shift.

It’s the desire to help take part in this culture shift that keeps me going. During my often monotonous daily life, the drive allows me to feel like I’m slowly paddling my way toward my shore. You know the saying– Do what you love, love what you do. Well, I love women. I love empowered women who are fiercely dedicated to equality, education, health, and humanism. I want to help all women feel each one of these rights. But to do so, I need to gather as much knowledge as possible. I need to know just how bad it really is. And then, the healing can begin.

Violence Against Women: An Obstacle to Development

Roxanna Carrillo examines the extent of the violence, identifies a contradiction between human development and violence, and shares an understanding of the causes of violence. In her report, she also sheds light on female dependency. She writes:

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August 16, 2013

Here’s to Mindful Sexuality!

by mandy lipka

I don’t know about you, but I’m fed up with stifled sexuality. Particularly, the feminine kind. It’s time we drop the shame and continue to keep conversation open about our emotions, rights, and discoveries. Because really, as Candice Holdorf points out, this is our current reality:

  • Ah, sex. It seems like it’s all around us, huh?

  • However, the truth behind the “sexy” façade is this: sex sells, but sexuality does not

  • We are talking around sex, but never actually experiencing it

  • The erotic has much more than just the act of fucking

Take a moment to read Candice’s post and all of the juicy links in it. At the very least, watch her video at the end.

Here’s to more posts about sexuality!

March 5, 2013

March: The Month of Self-Love

by mandy lipka

It’s wise to direct our intentions toward accomplishing real goals now instead of aiming toward unreachable ideals. The Moon’s shift into powerful Scorpio helps us find the resources we need to be successful. Significant gains are likely if we’re willing to work for what we want.

March has begun. And what an exciting month it is! It’s Women’s History Month (which includes International Women’s Day on the 8th), National Nutrition Month, and my birthday month. And spring– a symbol of nature’s rebirth– is only weeks away. So, in honor of these occasions, I’ve officially launched my month of self-love. It’s a small tribute to myself and our mother.

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October 17, 2012

Woman, You Are Beautiful

by mandy lipka

Today, UpWorthy posted this video and I simply had to share immediately. THIS is the path to mindfulness.